Andoids. Coming soon…
In the past year of 2023, due to the boom in artificial intelligence, the majority of the digital space was occupied by AI, while equally important events in robotics seemed to have slipped under our radar. In our view, some significant events that will profoundly alter our way of life will occur in the next 2-4 years, when the paths of AI development intersect with advancements in creating humanoid robots. Let’s delve into it!
Humanoid robots, or androids as they are often called, are becoming the focus of investment and new business opportunities for both major technology companies and some promising startups in this field. These remarkable machines, created in the image and likeness of humans, can find application in a wide range of areas – from everyday life to industry, space, and even entertainment. We have prepared an informational article about this promising industry and will discuss the possibilities and prospects for the development of this technology.
Humanoid Robots: Tomorrow Is Already Here
Technological advancements in humanoid robots over the past few years have shown significant progress and have made the imminent arrival of various-purpose androids into our lives a tangible reality. These remarkable machines, resembling humans not only in appearance but also in their ability to perform various tasks, not only pique curiosity and interest but also prompt contemplation about the impending new reality.
The applications of androids in the everyday lives of people, in other words, in domestic, industrial, and technological sectors, are so vast that they are awe-inspiring. From simple household helpers to complex industrial robots, humanoid robots promise to become an integral part of our lives.
The history of humanoid robots began several decades ago, but already they are capable of tasks that were once merely the dreams of science fiction writers. For decades, humanoid robots were more the imagination of science fiction writers than reality. But times are changing. Today, we are witnessing the rapid development of robotics that blurs the lines between fiction and reality. Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics, these robots are becoming increasingly autonomous and functional. They can learn, adapt to new conditions, and even simulate human emotions.

One of the most impressive achievements of the last two years has been the development of humanoid robots with flexible artificial skin and muscles that operate similarly to biological ones. This makes their movements smooth and natural. Some models are also equipped with advanced sensors that allow robots to sense touch and temperature. But humanoid robots are not just metal and plastic copies of humans. They are equipped with advanced computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing systems, and now even AI capabilities, making them ideal assistants in various fields.
For example, in the field of medicine, assistant robots can perform complex surgical operations with unprecedented precision. In the service industry, they will become companions for the elderly and disabled. And in hazardous industrial conditions, humanoid robots can replace humans.
However, technical progress inevitably raises ethical questions. How will society perceive such human-like robots? Is it appropriate to treat them as sentient beings? And how can we avoid misuse of these technologies?
One thing is clear – the era of humanoid robots has already arrived. And while their integration into our lives will require time and caution, these remarkable creations promise to transform our world. Tomorrow is already here, and it looks remarkably like ourselves.
The android market – a boom is coming.
Despite ethical concerns, the market for humanoid robots is set to grow very rapidly. According to a recent report by the analytical firm TechXplore, its size could reach $37 billion by 2030.
One of the leading trends will be the integration of humanoid robots into the service industry and as companions. Models with advanced communication and social interaction capabilities will be highly sought after for caring for the elderly and people with disabilities. Their human-like appearance and ability to show empathy will allow for a closer emotional bond to be formed.
In the medical field, the greatest demand is expected for humanoid surgical robots. Their ability to replicate precise hand movements of surgeons combined with computer vision makes them indispensable for conducting complex operations. It is expected that such robots will significantly reduce risks for patients.
In manufacturing and hazardous industries, models with increased durability and endurance will be popular for replacing human labor. For example, some mining companies are actively working on implementing humanoids for work in mines. Let’s immediately imagine the possibilities of servicing nuclear reactors, chemical hazardous industries, military affairs, and more.
For home use, on the contrary, the most in-demand humanoid robots will be compact and budget-friendly assistants. Capable of performing simple household tasks, they will gradually occupy the niche of next-generation digital assistants.
Thus, with the development of technology, humanoid robots will find application in various industries – from business, medicine, and manufacturing to service and personal needs. And while their integration will require ethical and social discussions, one thing is clear – this revolution is already in full swing. The possibilities for the use of humanoid robots are truly limitless.
“As we step into the era of humanoid robots, we are not just embracing technological evolution but a new paradigm of interactive and autonomous machines that promise to redefine our daily lives and work.”
Alex Schmidt
How Androids Work?
Androids function thanks to a complex system of sensors, actuators, and artificial intelligence algorithms. Sensors allow the robot to orient itself in space, recognize objects and people, and obtain information about its environment. Actuators are mechanical components that provide the robot’s movement, allowing it to move and manipulate objects.
Artificial intelligence plays a key role in the operation of robots. It not only allows the robot to analyze information received from sensors but also to make complex decisions, adapt to changes in the surrounding environment, and learn from previous experience. Thanks to this, humanoid robots are capable of performing increasingly complex tasks with a high degree of autonomy.
Humanoid robots, whose design is constantly improving, are becoming more and more similar to humans not only in appearance but also in their functional capabilities. Innovations apply to both external appearance and internal «filling».
Advancements in materials science allow for the creation of humanoid robots that not only look like humans but also have tactile sensations. The use of new materials makes the robots’ skin more sensitive to touch.
The development of efficient algorithms allows them to better understand human commands and adapt to changes in the environment.
The industry is evolving, and from the latest presentations of industry leaders, it is already clear that models will be equipped with smart systems based on AI tools for interactive communication between humans and machines. Innovation directions include:
• Development of «smart» skin to mimic human touch
• Improvement of facial and emotion recognition systems
• Creation of more autonomous and natural dynamic motion systems
• Integration of voice assistants for natural communication with humans
Let’s consider a few examples of practical application of humanoid robots:
In education,
humanoid robots will increasingly play a significant role in the learning process. Thanks to their ability to mimic human gestures and facial expressions, they can create a more effective learning environment, especially for children. Robots can be used for interactive lessons, demonstrating experiments, individual tutoring, and more. The use of humanoid robots in education not only increases students’ interest in the subject but also contributes to the development of communication skills and critical thinking. These robots can be tailored to the individual needs of each student, making learning more personalized.
In medicine,
humanoid robots used in healthcare open up new horizons for assisting patients and supporting medical staff. They can perform a wide range of tasks, from simple temperature measurement to assisting in complex surgical operations. These robots can also be used for training medical personnel by simulating various clinical scenarios. The introduction of humanoid robots into the medical field not only improves the quality of treatment but can also significantly reduce the workload on medical personnel.
In space,
humanoid robots can be sent into space either autonomously or as part of a crew of humans, opening up new perspectives for exploring the universe. They can perform tasks in conditions hazardous to humans, such as high radiation or extreme temperatures, spacewalks, or landing on the surface of another planet or asteroid. They will help conduct scientific experiments, build bases on other planets, explore the surface, and possibly prepare for human colonization, for example, of Mars. All these prospects will greatly enhance human capabilities for space exploration.
Robots Among Us
One of the leading trends will be the integration of humanoid robots into the service industry and as assistants/companions. Models with advanced communication and social interaction capabilities will be highly sought after for caring for the elderly and people with disabilities. Their human-like appearance and ability to show empathy will allow for a closer emotional bond to be formed. Conversely, for home use, the most in-demand humanoid robots will be compact and budget-friendly assistant robots. Capable of performing simple household tasks, they will gradually occupy the niche of next-generation digital assistants.
Indeed, one of the promising areas of application for humanoid robots could be childcare as high-tech nannies.
Robotic nannies of anthropomorphic design have several advantages. Their humanoid appearance and ability to mimic human emotions, gestures, and facial expressions will help create a warm, friendly atmosphere for the child. Such robots will not only provide basic care but also play with children, entertain them, and educate them using interactive methods.
Advanced sensor systems of robotic nannies will monitor the child’s condition, recognize their needs, and react promptly. They will be able to feed, change diapers, rock children to sleep, and even answer their simple questions, developing social and communication skills.
The main advantage of such nannies will be their round-the-clock readiness to work without breaks for sleep or rest. They will free up parents’ time for other tasks and careers.
Safety is also a significant factor. Unlike humans, a robotic nanny will not accidentally harm the child and will be able to provide reliable protection.
Thanks to these advantages, companies are already actively developing humanoid robotic nannies. According to forecasts, in the next 5-10 years, they will become a popular product in the childcare market, changing the traditional perception of nannies.
Business Assistant
Humanoid robots can become universal secretaries or assistants in the office environment, as they can be present in the office 24/7 without breaks and, with the help of AI, process and perform thousands of tasks and functions simultaneously, taking into account that they will be connected to the database and to the entire office infrastructure.
Here are some examples of functions they could perform:
• Scheduling meetings and managing schedules;
• Answering incoming calls and messages;
• Composing letters, reports, and other documents, including dictation;
• Booking trips and organizing events;
• Welcoming visitors to the office or in a virtual environment;
• Escorting guests to the appropriate location;
• Assisting with navigation around the building and providing information;
• Conducting presentations;
• Addressing basic equipment issues;
• Presenting and training staff on the use of new devices;
• Providing step-by-step IT assistance to employees, task monitoring and execution, calculating the coefficient of useful actions, effectiveness analytics;
• Collecting, processing, and visualizing data;
• Preparing analytical reports and presentations;
• Monitoring performance metrics;
• Synchronous translation at business meetings;
• Document and presentation translation;
• Training employees in foreign languages or professional development, etc.
The humanoid appearance of the robots will make them more comfortable in the office environment compared to traditional machines. Their ability to understand natural language and socio-psychological signals will significantly simplify communication and interaction with people.
Overall, such universal secretary robots can take on routine administrative tasks, freeing up employees’ time for more productive purposes. Their implementation will not only increase the efficiency of office work but also transform the concept of secretarial services itself.
Military Affairs

In military or other dangerous and specialized fields, a robot doesn’t necessarily need to have a human face or body form.
Universal models will soon surprise us greatly. A human face will most likely be required for a police robot purely from a psychological standpoint for communication with humans.
The use of humanoid robots in the military sphere and army is indeed being considered and is one of the most controversial and ethically challenging directions for the application of this technology. Here are some possible scenarios for their use:
Reconnaissance and surveillance – anthropomorphic robots can perform dangerous reconnaissance missions, penetrating into inaccessible areas and among civilian populations. Their humanoid appearance can help avoid detection.
Rescue operations – the ability of robots to operate in conditions dangerous for humans (such as destruction, chemical/radiation contamination) makes them valuable for searching and rescuing the wounded on the battlefield.
Combat operations – the most contentious scenario is the use of humanoid robots as combat units. Their potential for conducting autonomous combat actions raises serious ethical concerns.
However, robotics proponents argue that fully autonomous soldier robots may eventually conduct combat operations with fewer civilian casualties compared to humans.
Psychological operations – humanoid robots can be used for propaganda, spreading information, and influencing the psychological state of military personnel and civilians in conflict zones.
It is important to note that many states advocate for a complete ban or serious restriction on the use of autonomous weapon systems, which may include soldier robots. This technology carries serious risks associated with loss of control and unpredictability of machine actions.
Thus, the military application of humanoid robots remains one of the most delicate and controversial areas. Thorough discussion and the development of norms for the ethical use of such powerful systems within the framework of international law are required.
Ethical Aspects
The integration of humanoid robots into everyday life raises numerous ethical questions. One key aspect is how to ensure safe interaction between humans and robots to avoid potential physical or emotional harm. Additionally, there is a concern about data privacy since robots may collect personal information about users.
Another important aspect concerns the accountability for the actions of humanoid robots. Who will be responsible for errors or damage caused by the robot? This requires the development of new legal frameworks and standards. Moreover, potential impacts on the labor market and social structure must be taken into account.
For more in-depth exploration of the topic and detailed information, you can refer to the following links:
1. Boston Dynamics: Founded in 1992, Boston Dynamics has produced some of the most impressive and advanced humanoid robots to date. Their robots, such as Atlas and Spot, feature unique motion mechanics and the ability to perform various tasks, from construction work to assisting in medical research. Boston Dynamics Website
2. SoftBank Robotics: SoftBank manufactures robots like Pepper, a humanoid robot capable of communicating with humans and performing various tasks in customer service and retail. SoftBank Robotics Website
3. Hanson Robotics: Based in Hong Kong, Hanson Robotics specializes in creating robots with emotional intelligence. Their most famous robot, Sophia, gained worldwide attention for her ability to engage in emotional communication and participate in public events. Hanson Robotics Website
4. Toyota Research Institute: Toyota is actively working on developing humanoid robots that could assist humans in various fields, from healthcare to personal assistance. Toyota Research Institute Website
5. UBTECH Robotics: This Chinese company is known for its humanoid robots in the Walker series, designed to assist with household chores and entertainment. UBTECH Robotics Website
These companies are at the forefront of innovation in the field of humanoid robots and are actively advancing their technologies to enable these robots to find increasingly diverse applications in various aspects of life.