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Blindsight Implant Receives “Breakthrough Device” Designation from FDA

Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink, has recently reached a significant milestone: their Blindsight implant has been awarded the status of “Breakthrough Device” by the FDA. This implant is designed to restore vision in individuals who have lost their eyes or optic nerves, and even for those who were born blind.

The technology is based on stimulating the brain’s visual cortex through an array of microscopic electrodes, allowing visual information to be transmitted directly to the brain. While the initial stages of vision quality will be comparable to low resolution, similar to “Atari graphics,” Musk emphasizes that the technology has the potential to surpass natural vision. In the future, it could provide vision across various spectrums, including infrared, ultraviolet, and even radio waves.

The FDA’s “Breakthrough Device” designation speeds up the development and testing of Blindsight. This is especially crucial for those suffering from severe vision impairments. However, before it becomes a regular part of medical practice, the implant must undergo a lengthy process, including clinical trials and confirmation of its long-term safety.

If Blindsight successfully passes all stages, it could revolutionize medical technology by restoring vision to millions of people who previously thought it was impossible.

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