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China at Beijing Expo 2024: Breakthrough Achievements in Humanoid Robots

At the Beijing Expo 2024, held as part of the World Robot Conference (WRC), China showcased its significant achievements in developing humanoid robots. This event brought together the brightest minds and leading companies in robotics, marking a milestone in China’s ambition to lead in this rapidly evolving field.  

Innovation Leaders: Chinese Humanoid Robots

The exhibition featured 27 types of humanoid robots, a record for such events. These robots demonstrated a wide range of capabilities, from household tasks to complex industrial operations, highlighting China’s serious intention to integrate robots into everyday life and industry.

UBTECH Robotics showcased its advanced Walker S and Walker S Lite robots. These robots are already used in car factories by companies like Nio, Geely, and FAW Group, performing material handling tasks previously done by humans. Thanks to imitation learning technologies and precise visual recognition, these robots can perform their duties with a high degree of autonomy and accuracy, showing that Chinese companies have made significant progress in developing solutions for production automation.

Leju Robotics, in turn, presented robots capable of performing various household and industrial tasks. The models displayed included robots that can cook food, squeeze juice, and sort items, as well as robots designed to work in harsh factory conditions. Leju Robotics actively collaborates with Huawei, allowing the integration of advanced AI technologies into its developments.

Lingzu Times stood out with innovations in robotic joints, providing humanoid robots with human-like flexibility. Their Robstride04 development is an integrated joint module capable of controlling the movements of medium-sized humanoids and quadruped robots. This technology opens new possibilities for creating robots that can work effectively in conditions requiring high maneuverability and adaptability.

Longwood Valley MedTech introduced the world’s first orthopedic surgical robot, ROPA, equipped with deep learning technologies. This robot can perform operations with submillimeter accuracy, significantly reducing risks and surgery time. The development of ROPA utilizes advanced AI technologies, allowing the creation of individualized surgery plans based on the patient’s CT scan data.

Despite the complete dominance of Chinese companies at the exhibition, international players also drew significant attention. For example, Tesla presented its long-awaited Optimus robot, although its capabilities remain in question. Elon Musk claims that this robot will be able to perform many household tasks in the future, including folding laundry and cooking, but at the exhibition, its capabilities were demonstrated in a limited capacity – it was shown in a static state. Tesla plans to test these robots at its factories to evaluate their potential in real production conditions.

Agibot, founded by a former Huawei employee, showcased five new robot models designed to work in retail, tourist centers, and production lines. These robots are already available for pre-order, with deliveries starting in October 2024. Agibot’s participation underscores China’s ambition to integrate robots not only into industry but also into the service sector.

Stardust Intelligence presented the Astribot S1 robot, which impressed visitors with its abilities to perform Chinese martial arts, play the zither, and write calligraphy. This demonstrates the potential of robots for use in cultural and educational contexts, expanding their applications beyond industrial tasks.

Companies like Galbot and Turui showcased robots capable of performing simple tasks, such as moving items from shelves to tables. Despite their limited functionality, these robots show potential for automating everyday tasks in households and commerce.

Finally, Limx Dynamics demonstrated the P1 research robot, which can balance on two legs, climb stairs, and regain balance after a push. This model is designed to work in dynamic environments requiring high mobility and adaptability.

The Beijing Expo 2024 confirmed that China is at the forefront of humanoid robotics development. Leading Chinese companies presented solutions that could transform not only industrial processes but also everyday life. China continues to prove that it has not only caught up with but also surpassed many of its competitors, becoming one of the world leaders in this high-tech field.

The exhibition demonstrated that humanoid robots are not just a concept from science fiction but a reality that is already beginning to influence various aspects of life. The future, where robots become an integral part of our daily existence, is getting closer, and China plays a key role in this process.

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